Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why I Work

I am an engineer by training and a mother by nature.  I started blogging to share my experiences as a working mom in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and explore the resources available for encouraging kids in science and engineering.

So why do I work?

Here is my post from 2013:  http://fremontmom.blogspot.com/2013/04/why-work.html

Every once in awhile, when talking with another mom, I get the question about why I went back to work. 

Part of it is financial, but if I decided to stay home full time, my husband and I could probably figure something out. So really, it is a personal choice. My job (and being an engineer) is part of my identity.  I get satisfaction from a job well done and I feel confident in what I accomplish.
Sometimes, going to work is a relief. I get to be in control of my day and have adult conversations. I can close the bathroom door and eat lunch without worrying about utensils getting dropped or thrown. I am usually more tired after the weekend than on a week day. Most of all, I enjoy the challenge of the work that I do. 

Sure, sometimes I feel guilty and fear that I may scar my kids for life. Especially when I count the waking hours they are in child care vs. with me. So I make sure that the time we are together is quality time. 
In addition, I believe I am happier with the balance I have chosen.  I am setting an example for my kids that moms can work too.  Since I enjoy my job, I am happier when I am with my kids. 

I have decided that working is part of my identity. It defines me as something more than a mom. 
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against that title or choice, but it is not my primary definition for myself. Even if I stayed home full time, I think I would still be involved in something aggressively, like a mothers club, church or community. 
For now, I choose to apply my skills to a full time job. I say for now, because that may change in the future. I may look at part time options or helping community organizations. 

As we all know, as our families change, our priorities change. My priority will always be my family, but I have chosen to balance that with other activities and work in my life.

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