Thursday, January 29, 2015

Kid science - Space exploration

Tonight we decided to make a spaceship out of large cardboard boxes (thanks Amazon subscribe and save).  We did not do anything fancy, just drew some portholes on the side of one box, got in and commenced a countdown.

And then my explanation began about how we had to pick up speed to escape the earth's gravitational pull.  We passed the moon and somehow got too close to the sun, but started our exploration of the solar system with Mercury.

Mercury is the closest to the sun and requires special heat proof clothing and goggles.
After collecting specimens (things in the room that were green), we moved onto Venus.

Venus is a rocky planet with lots of volcanic activity.  We collected objects around the house that looked like rocks.  

Mars is the red planet and very stormy.  We collected items that were red.

Jupiter has a lot of moons.  We collected round specimens.

Saturn is the ringed planet.  We collected rings for further study.

Uranus and Neptune are the farthest from the sun and cold.  We collected items that were blue. 

Then we practiced what other words start with the same letter as each of the planets and discussed what extra terrestrials or "martians" might look like if we discovered life outside our planet.

It was a very basic excursion, but we covered an intro to the planets.  I guess we need to get some space themed books so we can learn a little more about each planet and specific tasks we might accomplish on future expeditions.

Check out some kid friendly websites on space:

Decided to take a book to space.  It's a long flight.

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