Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Lean In Story

Your career, like life, is a journey.  I have shared one of my "lean back" stories and to show that I have learned something over the journey, here is a "lean in" story.

After my son was born, I changed companies and locations to improve the pace of work and be closer to my family.  My new job was a project management role and was not based in the plant, so I had flexibility in my work schedule and I was not on call 24/7.  My new location was 30 minutes from my sisters and 2 hours from my parents (vs a plane ride previously), so I was happy. I enjoyed my job and was looking for opportunities for advancement when I got pregnant with my second child (2 years later).  

Even after I had announced my pregnancy, I continued to apply for open positions and was even sought out for a promotion.  I applied for the new role and discussed the impact of my impending maternity leave and subsequent travel limitations during the first year.  I was assured that if I was the right fit, the team would make it work.

Well, I did get the job and they did make it work.  I started with the new department as a manager and promptly went on maternity leave after 6 weeks of frantically getting to know everyone and the basics of the group processes.  When I returned after 4 months off, I ramped back up and prioritized communication so that I would not need to travel right away.  

Having this type of support from a company and a manager is exactly what we need to keep women motivated in the workplace.  I am much more energized in my job, let alone loyal for the trust and support I have been given.  

After writing this, I thought "why should I be thankful?  Would a man even consider that or just assume he was entitled?"
Either way, I believe we need to support employees in their circumstances, if they are the right fit.  We have a saying at my work about "bringing your whole self to work," so you can spend your energy doing valuable work instead of worrying what others will think. 
This story is not as much about me being proactive, but finding the right company that values my skills. 

Here is to more companies and managers with these type of values. 

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